Monday, July 11, 2016

Student Creation: Money Holders

Above: Student design shown to scale
Challenge: Previously students had designed boxes to hold classroom cash as designs from the student.  These boxes had times ranging from 35 to forty hours for the base.  As an alternative the student concerned designed a holder that was a single figure.  This is the same student who had previously designed and created the 'pencil topper' print and design.
Background: The task was to create a holder for the students 'classroom cash' that are rewarded to students for excellent behaviour.  Previous designs were based around a full sized box.
Task: Students to create a workable print that was original and creative.
Original Design in Tinkercad with insert clearly visible
Level of Difficulty: Medium on the basis that the design was up to the students and the detail was dependant on the design.  This is shown further refinement from the 'pencil topper' design.
Issues: None.   The student was able to produce a limited amount of rafting with the project and the print was completed in a single print run.
Size: Length of 6cm (high), width (5cm)
Timeframe: Six Hours on Fast print setting.
Above: front on final print
Process: The student (who is ten years old) has shown the creativity to create original designs from scratch using Tinkercad and a laptop as creative tool.  He is confident and enjoying the process.  He is developing his ideas around geometric shapes and applying the problem solving.  Design from scratch using Tinkercad, converted to Cura for 3D printing and printed on an Ultimaker 2.
Recommendation: The student has been pleased with the quality of the print and the design of the animal.  There is a clear evidence of his progress using Tinkercad to create animals/shapes and the student is becoming recognised by his peers as a problem solver.  The print time would mean that the print is realistic as a holder for a variety of objects and could be easily modified to hold other objects depending on the needs of the students.

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